Wednesday 16 March 2011

A Special if a bit late Thank yoooooou

A certain young lady decided to take Valentine's Day by the horns this year. Valentine's Day was normally a day when her letterbox didn't rattle and her other half seemed oblivious to the romance of the day.
So she sent out some beautiful Valentine packages instead of sitting at home not enjoying Valentine's Day and as luck would have it the Karma fairy decided to give the said other half a switch kick and lo and behold this year her letterbox fair fell off. ;) Well done that man.

I was one of the very lucky friends who she chose to treat...

Alex, thank you, you are a sweetheart and everyday should be Valentine's Day for you. xxxx


Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

Lucky you. That's a lovely heart. Ooh and the chocs, yummy.

WinnibriggsHouse said...

What a lovely thing to do! Your gift is so pretty and so thoughtful. It has given me a few ideas for next year. I trust the sweet part of this is long gone!

Taz said...

Yes the chocs were yummy and long long gone :)

Curry Queen said...

That's such a nice idea - one to copy!

bibbitybob said...

What a thoughtful lady! Lovely package :) x

Nearly there Claire said...

I'm thinking that seeing as I'm your 'wifey' maybe I should be jealous. But no, you deserve a treat. (saves me botherin') ;o) xxx

menopausalmusing said...

Oh, but wasn't that just the nicest of things to do for you........ :O))))))))))))