First take a clean jar or you could use a baby's milk can or coffee can with a lid.
Some colourful paper.
One of these beauties.
A glamorous assistant who does things like this.
Yeah ok the remnants of the nail varnish isn't so glamorous...moving swiftly on!
Write lots of ideas for fun things. The link on the website gives you a couple of sheets of ideas but they are very American based so you may want to write some of your own. Plus you can sneak in a few of your own ideas in there. Y'know those things you've been wanting them to do for ages but they're always too busy with homework and after school stuff. ;)
We sprinkled in a few sparkles too, well you can never have enough sparkles can you?
And there we have it. Two I'm bored Jars ready for action. If we start running low after a couple of weeks I'll just pop some more ideas in. Don't worry about repeating ideas. I think we put in about 5 make a cake's and several go to the beach/park's. ;)
I'm hoping the jar wee one plans to take to her Dad's gives him a nudge to do more with her but as the saying goes you can lead a horse to water. Yadda yadda yadda. I don't think it's even entered his head how hurt big one is that he took himself off on a last minute holiday before going back to work instead of spending that precious time with her before she went to Malawi. You'd think the fact she could barely bring herself to talk to him properly on the phone might have given him a clue but no. I'd give him the heads up but the last time I tried to help in a situation like this he threw it back in my face and refused to take any responsibilities for his actions. So you'll understand how much it all upsets me, when all I have ever wanted is for him to put them first.
Anyway now I'm rambling and this was supposed to be a happy how to post. Let me know if you make your own I'm Bored Jars and any good ideas for things to do. ;)
Wow what an amazing idea! Why didn't I ever have this as a child?! In fact, stuff that, why don't I have one of these NOW?!
That's a good idea. My boys are bigger than me and working now but i'll tell my sister about it. Hers are only 5 and 8 so they're prone to getting bored.
This is a great idea! Perfect for very ... very ... very long Summer holidays! Thank you :)
So sorry to hear about the issues at the other house- it all sounds so familiar. I'm telling myself it can only serve to make my little ones and I closer, which is a reasonable silver lining I spose...
We're going to set to work on one of these tonight! xxx
That's weird, the list of to do's didn't have 'run around the house dressed in combat gear, armed to the hilt yelling BANG BANG YOU'RE DEAD'.
Brilliant idea, we've done a list so far, but the jar idea is much more fun. Twiglet will probably put Play Lego Star Wars 50 times.
Wish we lived near you, we could go off adventuring together in the hols !!!!
Boo to your ex for being a big meanie :(
Twiggy x
Hey thats a brill idea...I think I might nick it for Evies summer hols!
Em xxxxxxxx
What a great idea. Good that they have a jar each too.......... Loving the look of your bathroom in previous post. WELL DONE YOU!
Great idea.
Will get sorted for my kids for the impending summer hols.
Love it ... Borrowing it! ;D
Sorry about the troubles with mr clueless ... They're not the brightest bunch are they ! Les doesn't do much with the kids and he's still here! Lmao
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