Monday 31 January 2011

Good grief...

I had a whole Friday AND Saturday night childfree so what did I do?

Well you have to don't you? Well to be honest I have to keep myself busy or I miss them to much - yes I probably am sad but I know for a fact I'm not the only Mum to wish and pray for a bit of peace but on getting it start pining for them to come home again.

Only problem with lots of late night partying when you're out of practice is....

Still it will probably be a while before I get to do it again so I've plenty of time to catch up on my sleep. :)


Lx @ Twelve said...

So long as you had fun hun, I think you deserved it!


Poppy said...

I’ve put your jelly in the fridge!

A well deserved weekend of fun.....
Lou xxx