Saturday 7 April 2007


I'm exhausted. This has been one busy week. Didn't feel like I'd sat down for two days what with taking big one out for a shopping trip then going straight from that to work, then back to work all day the next day. Have had a lot of extra hours at work this week due to one of the staff leaving for Uni and another one of the staff being sacked. :o So it's Easter holidays and him indoors is getting plenty of quality time with the small people ;)
So crafting and thrifting haven't had much of a look in this week BUT I did manage to get this little guy finished this very evening.

Someone (I'm sorry I forgot her name) on crafster shared this tutorial so after my Polar Bear success I thought I'd give it a try.
I've named him Dexter and he's the wonkiest bunny probably ever but I think he's adorable and seeings as how everything but the thread is recycled I think he's a pretty 'green' guy. :)

Today my first day off for a while was pretty productive because I also made him indoors some shortbread, unfortunately I didn't remember to take any pictures but everyone informs me that they are lovely :D


Bumbershootska said...

he's adorable!!! Nuthin' like bunnies in springtime to make you smile :)

Taz said...

Thanks. I think I'm going to have to make more bunnies (don't they usually do that themselves?) because the small people keep disappearing with him and a few friends have fluttered their eyelashes at him too :D