It's been a quiet over here at Ratbagville, well the blog anyway, lately.
I've had a few health issues since I got back from my Wales trip, the wonderful old gall bladder has been kicking off big time and I seem to be falling for just about every bug going.
Thank you all for your comments on my timed posts while I was away.
Big one did brilliantly in her exams - I am so proud of her but I have been banned from speaking about it anymore. Apparently I was too proud and telling too many people, so I'll just whisper that she got top marks in everything and leave it at that. ;)
What with coming home to a location I really don't want to be anymore and then getting poorly I've hit a bit of a wall of the poor me variety. But bear with me and normal service will be back on a screen near you soon. Oh and I have a box of lovely things to share with you all that I won from Em on her giveaway
Thank you so much Em, it was lovely sat in bed feeling like it was my birthday. xxx